Nixon T-Shirts

T-Shirts //

It's t-shirt time! With over a 1,000 styles from your favourite brands, it's just up to you to pick which tee's you'll be rocking this summer. Embrace patterns, prints and simplicity from brands such as Vans, Billabong, Roxy, Quiksilver, Santa Cruz and more....

Clothing & Accessories //

Nixon was established in Encinitas, California in 1998, by co-founders Chad DiNenna and Andy Laats. It originally began as a boutique line of watches exclusively sold at board sports and fashion retailers. But now, more than two decades later, Nixon now supplies a range of watches, bags, leather goods, and accessories to over 90 countries.

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Nixon work with a diverse group of athletes, musicians, makers, artists, and activists whose ranks include John John Florence, Leila Hurst, and Zion Wright, to bring you the latest, innovative designs which radiate style.